How much does a strategic plan cost? I get this question every time I explain my work as professional strategist and...
Securing a job offer marks a new chapter in your career and is an exciting opportunity to create some momentum. I can...
This past week, I had the opportunity to speak at this summer's Pecha Kucha Night at the Park Theatre in Winnipeg. "Pecha...
Over the past few months, I've been making a lot of changes in my business. BTW, that's the thing about owning your own...
"It feels really uncomfortable to think about my life that far out." This was how one of my Business Administration...
Here in the northern hemisphere, today is the winter solstice. It’s the day following the longest night, when the...
You know that you’re undercharging for your services. But you also know people and businesses everywhere are struggling....
In your solopreneurship or small business, the majority of your negotiations will be collaborative in nature. But don’t...
Learning to negotiate is no different than learning any other new skill. It takes repetition to learn the component parts. It...
“It’s important to me that my clients feel like they’re getting good value from my services.” I hear...
My heart sank into the grinding pit of my stomach. I felt a rush of heat that pushed from my toes, through my core, to be...
It's almost 3pm on a Tuesday. You're past the mid-point of your work day - but you're well past your limit on stress. You have...
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