Powerful Insights 

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Powerful InsightsĀ 

Articles, interviews, inspiration, and tools to help you balance your powerĀ withĀ purpose

It's Time to Recognize Your Worth

corporate culture interview leadership negotiation resources strategy Mar 28, 2022
Display picture shows the Coffee with Genny B logo. Below this is text displaying: 042. Fearless negotiation with Joanne Zuk. Below the text is cut out headers of Genny B and Joanne.

I joined Genny B, a coffee fanatic, and owner of the Coffee with Genny B podcast on an episode about how women being raised as kind, empathetic, and humble are great qualities to have, but also hold women back in regards to negotiating and knowing their worth. 

We also talk about the 7 negotiation blindspots and how to be fearless when negotiating.

To listen to the episode, go to the link below. 

Thank you to Genny for having me on her podcast and spreading the knowledge of negotiation skills specific to women that all women need to hear!

Fearless Negotiation with Joanne Zuk - Coffee with Genny B 

Timestamps from the episode: Fearless Negotiation with Joanne Zuk - Coffee with Genny B 

  • 0:05: Intro on how I got into negotiation work
  • 3:30: Negotiation is everywhere
  • 10:48: How do we get over our negotiation fears
  • 15:50: How girls are conditioned to not negotiate
  • 22:00: How leadership and negotiation programs are not directed to teaching women
  • 24:35: Female role models and Fearless Negotiation
  • 30:04: The blindspots of negotiation
  • 35:30: Negotiating tips from me


If you would like to listen to all of the podcasts I have been a guest on for even more information on the importance of negotiation, click here to discover a comprehensive playlist.