Old Girls Club

A community of women and other diverse consultants who collaborate, partner, and elevate each other to deliver excellence in service for our clients and communities.

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Old Girls Club

A community of women and other diverse folks who collaborate, partner, and elevate each other to deliver excellence in service for our clients and communities.

Join Us

It's time the Old Boys Club had some competition

Throughout my career, I worked with many leaders - most of whom were men. When we needed external help, they always seemed to "know a guy" who could step in and provide consulting support.

Sometimes those men were great; sometimes they were duds.

I was always left wondering: what about the girls? 

After I left my first career to go out on my own, I realized consulting is a business that depends on a strong and healthy network, built on trust, respect, and reliability. 

The Old Boys club exists for lots of reasons, but it thrives because men have always vouched for other men. And the reality is that consulting has primarily been a male-dominated sector forever. 

Since the Old Boys Club isn't going anywhere, it needs some competition.

These days I am booked with clients who are often looking for support beyond what I can provide myself. But to confidently refer my clients (who trust and respect me) to other consultants, I need to expand my network of consultants who I trust and respect. That's where you come in. 

Since an Old Girls Club didn't already exist, I thought I'd start one.

It's time we give the Old Boys a run for their money and build our own community of trusted partners and friends who understand what it means to be a solo-consultant.

How does it work?

It's community. Really, it's that simple. 

Show up. Meet other smart women and gender-diverse folks who are consulting in a variety of fields. Talk.

Maybe you meet your newest business bestie. Maybe you find some cool people to collaborate or partner with on an RFP. Maybe you just enjoy a night out with others who understand what you do. 

No obligation. No commitments. 

But also no selling. This is about relationship development; it's not the place to sell someone on your course, services, or community. 

It's also about giving back. We run our quarterly mixers at women-owned businesses. Net profits go to support women-serving charities. 

Join our mailing list

Sign up to get updates on upcoming events and opportunities to expand your network.

We never sell or share our mailing list information. Your info is safe with us.

Join us for our first mixer of 2024


Sip, shop, and network while you learn how to master a capsule wardrobe that works for you and your business

Snacks, wine, and non-alcoholic options served

Tickets: $20
Maximum capacity: 25

Net profits will be donated to North Point Douglas Women's Centre

Join the next event

Is it for me?

If you are a soloist (or soloish) consultant and you're craving community with other women who serve corporate, non-profit, and government clients, then please join us!